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  • 🚨 OpenAI $100 Billion Chip Venture

🚨 OpenAI $100 Billion Chip Venture

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đź‘€AI Happenings...

🚨 OpenAI Chip Venture

OpenAI is reportedly in discussions with manufacturers and venture capitalist firms to set up AI chip factories worth an astonishing $100 billion.

Sam Altman is spearheading the fundraising efforts for this massive project. The idea is to meet the growing global demand for AI chips, particularly for generative AI workloads.

The company's move into chip manufacturing isn't just a shot in the dark. The global AI chip market, valued at $14.9 billion in 2022, is expected to skyrocket to $227.6 billion by 2030. OpenAI plans to grab a piece of this lucrative pie to compete with current market leader Nvidia.

🤖 Humans Are Cheaper

Artificial Intelligence has been a hot topic recently, with many speculating its potential to replace humans in various jobs. However, according to a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), we're still far from that becoming a cost-effective reality.

The study found that only 23% of workers could be effectively replaced by AI, with humans proving to be more economically efficient in many cases. Moreover, AI-assisted visual recognition, which is key in automation, is expensive to install and operate.

While AI's potential is undeniable, with tech giants like Microsoft, Alphabet, Baidu, and Alibaba rolling out new AI services, it's important not to rush its development recklessly.

Despite this, the future of AI automation still looks promising, with projections suggesting that by 2030, up to 40% of visually-assisted tasks could be efficiently automated. This is, of course, if data costs fall and accuracy improves.

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  • ⚠️ Think tank warns North Korea uses AI for battle planning, maybe using cloudy resources. (link)

Artificial Intelligence online short course from MIT

Study artificial intelligence and gain the knowledge to support its integration into your organization. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in today's business world, then this artificial intelligence online course may be the perfect option for you.

  • Key AI management and leadership insights to support informed, strategic decision making.

  • A practical grounding in AI and its business applications, helping you to transform your organization into a future-forward business.

  • A road map for the strategic implementation of AI technologies in a business context.

🤖 Best New GPTs and Bots

  • HenriquesLab-style Writing Assistant: HenriquesLab Writing is an academic writing aid that helps users adopt Henriques's style. (link)

  • Appeal Assistant: Appeal Assistant is an expert in healthcare claim appeals. (link)

  • Translator Yasu: Translator Yasu is an efficient and reliable app that specializes in translating text to English with utmost accuracy and correct grammar. (link)

  • Lore Master: Lore Master is a knowledgeable app designed for video game enthusiasts. (link)

  • Stereogram Create: Stereogram Create is an App that lets you generate 3D stereogram pairs for parallel viewing. (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • Dispute AI: DIY Credit Repair Software with Artificial Intelligence Assistance. (link)

  • Flowcog: FlowCog uses AI to predict your SaaS company's revenue and cash runway. (link)

  • Kaiber: Kaiber generates through AI engines to transform your vision into virtual stories. (link)

  • Sivi AI: Create compelling visuals instantly for ads, social media, websites, banners, and more. (link)

  • Genius Sheets: Enables users to interact with their data through a chatbot-styled interface. (link)

⚙️ Best ChatGPT Plugins

  • Scholar Assist: Search academic research papers from arXiv and find answers to your questions. (link)

  • Lighthouse: Discover available apartments and receive complimentary assistance from our dedicated locators. (link)

  • AskYourCode: Ask your source code directly. The intelligent rubber ducky! (link)

  • Chat TMDB: Movies, Actors and TV shows from TMDB, a database like IMDB. (link)

  • AI2sql: Transforms natural language text into an SQL query effortlessly. (link)

🚀 Today’s Best New ChatGPT Prompts

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Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion

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  • By 2030, 10% of all vehicles are anticipated to be driverless, with a predicted increase in autonomous vehicles from 20.3 million in 2021 to 62.4 million.

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