🤖 Nvidia's Eating the World

Latest AI Prompts for Content Creation and Image Generation

👀AI Happenings...

🚨 OpenAI Retaliates 

OpenAI is currently embroiled in a dispute with its co-founder Elon Musk. Musk had filed a breach of contract lawsuit against OpenAI, alleging that the company has deviated from its original nonprofit mission, focused predominantly on profits, and has become a closed-source subsidiary of Microsoft.

However, OpenAI has decided to dismiss all of Musk's claims, stating that the entrepreneur was fully aware of and agreed with the company's mission and decision-making processes.

In response to Musk's allegations, OpenAI co-founders have penned a post, refuting the claims made against the company. They have rejected Musk's assertion that GPT-4 is a proprietary algorithm of Microsoft and have shared an email conversation from 2016 that shows Musk agreeing to a less open approach as AI development progressed.

🤖 Public Against AI

Public trust in artificial intelligence (AI) has been on a steady decline, with global figures dropping from 61% in 2019 to 53% currently. In the United States, the figures are even more stark, with trust in AI decreasing from 50% to 35% in the last five years.

This dip in confidence is attributed to AI becoming more of a reality in people's lives, and the associated fears and uncertainties that come with it. People are divided on the benefits of AI, and this has led to a decrease in trust. Moreover, the fear of AI replacing human jobs has further fueled this skepticism.

Other news….

  • 📝 Google is finally trying to kill AI clickbait. (link)

  • 🤖 Anthropic’s Claude 3 causes stir by seeming to realize when it was being tested. (link)

  • 🚀 Britain’s AI sector is expected to get £100 million in extra funding in its budget. (link)

  • 🚨 Nvidia hardware is eating the world. (link)

  • ⏭️ More news and insights at the bottom…

🤖 Best New GPTs and Bots

  • Devil's Advocate: Devil's Advocate is an interactive chat-based App that challenges your views on various topics. (link)

  • Unit Test Buddy: Unit Test Buddy is an App that helps you generate unit tests for code snippets in any programming language. (link)

  • LorimerGPT: LorimerGPT is an AI-powered coding app designed to assist you in your programming journey. (link)

  • IndustrialGPT: IndustrialGPT is an app that specializes in visualizing industrial designs using the power of DALL-E. (link)

  • Mockup Creator: This app combines streamlined mockup creation with automated user image analysis to give you the best results. (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • Augmentir: The AI-Powered Connected Worker Platform for Manufacturing and Service Companies. (link)

  • Noty AI: Meeting transcription software for Google Meet and Zoom meetings. (link)

  • Remove.bg: Remove image backgrounds automatically in 5 seconds with just one click. (link)

  • Evolup: Evolup is an all-in-one solution for creating affiliate stores using artificial intelligence. (link)

  • Supernormal: Supernormal helps you create amazing meeting notes without lifting a finger. (link)

🚀 Today’s Best New ChatGPT Prompts

 🎨Midjourney Vs Dall-E 3 Vs Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion

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🤯 More News…

  • BBC Verify: How to spot AI fakes in the US election.

  • OpenAI rival Anthropic says new Claude models hallucinate less.

  • Google's CEO admits its AI totally screwed up,

  • 5 big misconceptions about AI creating mass unemployment.

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