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  • 🤖 AI Companies ‘Stole’ Data

🤖 AI Companies ‘Stole’ Data

Latest AI Prompts for Content Creation and Image Generation

👀AI Happenings...

🚨 No-Human, All-AI Chip Factory

Samsung is planning an innovative overhaul of its semiconductor manufacturing process by 2030. The company aims to create a fully automated "artificial intelligence fab," where smart sensors control every process, significantly reducing human intervention.

The move towards full automation includes implementing a "Smart Sensing System" designed to improve yields and transform the dynamics of semiconductor fabs. Samsung's ambitious plan is already underway, with the goal of fully automating its semiconductor production facilities within the next decade.

The move towards full automation raises concerns about it being a possible job-eating monster in the semiconductor industry.

🤖 Apple’s Vulnerable GPUs

A vulnerability has been discovered in multiple brands and models of mainstream GPUs, including those developed by Apple, AMD, and Qualcomm. This flaw could potentially allow attackers to steal significant quantities of data from a GPU's memory.

The vulnerability, named LeftoverLocals by the researchers, could be exploited by an attacker who has some degree of operating system access on a target's device, allowing them to extract data from the local memory of vulnerable GPUs. The attacker could even spy on your LLM chat sessions and collect any useful data.

Apple has acknowledged the issue and released fixes with its latest processors, but the vulnerability remains in millions of devices that use earlier generations of Apple silicon. Qualcomm is currently providing security updates, and AMD plans to offer fixes for LeftoverLocals in March.

However, the researchers warn that the dissemination of these fixes may not be straightforward due to the need for coordination between GPU makers, device makers, and end users.

Other news….

  • 🔐 Chinese court declares an AI-generated image protected by copyright, the first ruling of its kind. (link)

  • 🌐 How OpenAI is approaching the 2024 worldwide elections. (link)

  • 👚 Tesla Optimus bot can fold shirts. (link)

  • 😈 Time Owner Benioff Says AI Companies ‘Stole’ Training Data. (link)

🤖 Best New GPTs and Bots

  • Idea Filter: Idea Filter is an app designed to help founders in the early stages of their startup journey. (link)

  • ComposeGPT: ComposeGPT is an app designed to help you build apps using Jetpack Compose. (link)

  • GPT Teacher: GPT Teacher is an engaging and informative app that helps you learn something new. (link)

  • QuizGPT: QuizGPT is an interactive app that helps you create multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from lectures, grade your responses, and even generate flashcards. (link)

  • Enciclopedia CCI: Enciclopedia CCI Vol 1 is your go-to resource for information on criminalistics, criminology, forensic medicine, and criminal investigation. (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • Browse AI: Track web page changes. Save web data as spreadsheet. Convert websites to API. (link)

  • Replit Ghostwriter: Replit Ghostwriter is an AI code assistant that helps you write better code faster. (link)

  • Mood: Amplify your podcast to 1 billion audiences with generative AI. (link)

  • Krisp AI: Krisp cancels background noise and reduces echo during your calls. (link)

  • Stork: AI-assisted collaboration for hybrid and remote teams working asynchronously. (link)

⚙️ Best ChatGPT Plugins

  • Tasty Recipes: Discover recipe ideas, meal plans and cooking tips from Tasty's millions of users! (link)

  • Shuto: A multi-tool for creators and developers with SMS, Email, Wordpress, SSH capabilities. (link)

  • Cloud Diagram Gen: Generate cloud architecture diagrams. Unofficial AWS plugin. (link)

  • WOXO: Transform your ideas into awesome videos! Craft captivating content effortlessly! (link)

  • Planfit: Get your custom workout plan and video instructions with Planfit, the AI Workout Coach. (link)

🚀 Today’s Best New ChatGPT Prompts

 🎨Midjourney Vs Dall-E 3 Vs Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion



Stable Diffusion

🤯 Latest Insights

  • AI service revenue will increase by over 6x in five years.

  • OpenAI prompt engineering guide.

  • AI in the energy and utilities market is predicted to reach $1.5 billion by 2023, with a CAGR of 38.3% from 2018.

  • More than half of telecommunications organizations use chatbots.

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