🚨 AI in Cervical Cancer

Latest AI Prompts for Content Creation and Image Generation

👀 AI Happenings...

🚨 AI Poisoned Dinner

Whoever said, "There's an app for that," probably didn't imagine a culinary assistant suggesting an Oreo vegetable stir-fry for dinner! Pak ‘n Save, a supermarket chain known for its budget-friendly stuff, decided to dip its toes into the tech soup by creating an AI meal planner.

The app was designed to help customers creatively use up leftovers during a cost-of-living crisis.

Mischievous and curious users began to input non-grocery household items into the app. Some gourmet suggestions included mosquito-repellent roast potatoes and a recipe that seemed to create chlorine gas without the slightest warning of the potential dangers. New Zealand political commentator Liam Hehir shared these culinary misadventures on Twitter, leading to a wave of hilariously horrifying recipes.

Pak ‘n Save, in a statement that can only be described as the embodiment of "That's not what I meant!", expressed disappointment in customers misusing the app. They reminded everyone that the app was not intended for such experimental cookery. The supermarket is now fine-tuning the app's controls for safety.

AI in Cervical Cancer

Did you ever think AI would step off the sci-fi screen and into the doctor's office? As it turns out, AI is not only good at beating us at chess and recommending our next Netflix binge; it's also showing potential in detecting one of the most common cancers in women - cervical cancer. Don't get me wrong; this isn't about AI replacing your beloved gynecologist, but rather, giving them a helping hand.

AI can analyze cervical images, detect abnormalities pretty accurately, and report them in real time. It's like having Sherlock Holmes at the microscope, except without the deerstalker hat and the pipe.

These automated screening tools are like a secret weapon, helping healthcare professionals spot precancerous lesions faster than you can say, "Elementary, my dear Watson." The result? An improved efficiency of screening programs and potentially broadening the coverage of cervical cancer screening.

However, let's remember that this is still a work in progress. There are challenges to overcome, like the affordability of AI technology in low-resource settings, privacy and data security concerns, and the need for significant infrastructure changes. But with continued research, collaboration, and public-private partnerships, AI might soon be a key player in treating cervical cancer.

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  • Michael Cohen used AI to generate fake legal citations. (link)

🤖 Best New GPTs and Bots

  • CordVario: CordVario is an educational App that helps you learn music theory through chord progressions. (link)

  • Kraftful: Kraftful is your product coach who provides access to curated best practices and insights from top gurus in product development. (link)

  • GPT Cookbook Assistant: The GPT Cookbook Assistant is a helpful app that utilizes the OpenAI API to provide you with reference recipes and guides. (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • CopyMonkey: CopyMonkey creates and optimizes Amazon product listings within seconds. (link)

  • Astria: Astria is an AI tool for creating unique images and training models. (link)

  • Rose: Smarter machines for beautiful data. Research Faster with Rose. (link)

⚙️ Best ChatGPT Plugins

  • Rogo: Providing Answers to Inquiries about Open-Source Repositories. (link)

  • Forms.app: Generate online forms, surveys, quizzes & more with spot-on questions. (link)

  • Boolio Invest: Analyze stock investments from any country with Boolio's state-of-the-art engine. (link)

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🤯 Latest Insights

  • Nearly 77 percent of devices today use AI technology in one form or another.

  • The growth of AI startups accelerated 14-fold since 2000. And we’d bet more of them are coming up every year.

  • The global AI market is booming. It will reach 190.61 billion dollars by 2025 at a compound annual growth rate of 36.62 percent.

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