💡 9 New AI Prompts

Prompts for YouTube, Tech Stack, Email Newsletter, Fiverr, Elevator pitch, Company Bio and Personal Branding

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👀 AI Happenings...

  • 😈 Microsoft is reportedly working on its own AI chips that may rival Nvidia’s (link)

  • 📞 Google calls for relaxing of Australia’s copyright laws so AI can mine websites for information (link)

  • 🎸 AI Oasis Tribute Album Sparks Debate Over Copyright and the Future of Music (link)

✅ Best New AI Tools

  • PromptBot - Simplify the process of creating detailed, powerful prompts for GPT-based bots & APIs. (link)

  • WebscrapeAI - Collect data from the web without the hassle of manual scraping. (link)

  • AdsGency AI: An AI tool to optimize your ad performance. Create engaging ads and gain data-driven insights for multichannel marketing. (link)

  • AutoGPT by SamurAI - Let AI agents operate autonomously to complete tasks for you in your browser. (link)

Have a product, service, event, newsletter, app, book, tool, or anything else you’d like to share with more than 3,000 subscribers?

🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: Get An AI-Powered Personal Assistant With Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft 365 Copilot AI is a new tool that acts as a personal executive assistant for users by combining natural language experiences with GPT technology. It is integrated with Microsoft 365 business apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams. Copilot can summarize long email threads, compose appropriate emails, and sort your inbox. It is available on both desktop and mobile versions of Outlook.

With Copilot, you have a virtual assistant that can help you organize your day by reviewing your documents, discussions, calendar, and emails to prioritize your day. It simplifies tasks that would typically require human assistance, giving users more control over their time and increasing productivity. In short, Copilot provides an executive assistant-like experience to everyone.

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