💡 8 New AI Prompts

Latest AI Prompts for Goal Setting, Project Management, Employee Engagement, Career Advancement, Team Collaboration, Work, Website and Ted Talks

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👀 AI Happenings...

  • ⚖ AI market faces investigation by UK competition regulator (link)

  • 😧 'Plagiarism machines': Hollywood writers and studios battle over the future of AI (link)

  • 😎 Microsoft opens up its AI-powered Bing to all users (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • Writefull: Writefull is AI-powered writing and proofreading for academics (link)

  • Saga AI: Saga is a collaborative workspace for notes, documents, and tasks. (link)

  • GAJIX: Use the GAJIX AI Learning assistant to understand every subject and every website – fast. (link)

  • Krisp AI: Krisp cancels background noise and reduces echo during your calls. (link)

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🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: AIs Cannot Read Your Mind Yet

Recently, a new study showed AI now has the ability to read minds and interpret one’s thoughts, and this finding has left many people perplexed. However, a neuroscientist, Dean Burnett, has refuted this, saying it is highly impossible.

He stated that while impressive, the AI can only decipher brain activity from fMRI scans, which require a subject to lay still for hours in an expensive experimental setup. So unless you plan on spending 16 hours in a screaming tube, your thoughts are safe for now.

Do you think AI will ever get to a point where it can interpret thoughts in a split second?

💡Some other great newsletters

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