💡 7 New AI Prompts

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👀 AI Happenings...

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🧠 Best New AI Tools

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  • Axiom AI: Automate website tasks with your browser on any website or app. (link)

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🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: Have You Ever Wondered About Auto-GPT’s Prompting Mechanism?

Stevenic, a member of the OpenAI Developer Forum, has shared his recent discoveries after dissecting Auto-GPT’s prompting mechanism.

He manually ran Auto-GPT’s main prompt loop through GPT-4, and it was shocking to see the AI had several bugs and missing commands. However, the main issue is that when the prompt is built up for the next turn, the response is added twice, once as a result of the memory and again as part of the conversation history. Additionally, the current command set is limited, and introducing a "make_choice" command could eliminate the need for a separate model call.

Another AI explorer, Nate Chan, read Stevenic’s discoveries and agreed with him, stating that AutoGPTs are far from being deterministic or easily guided due to the loose guardrails in place, and it's highly likely that the majority of use cases will result in endless loops.

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