💡 7 New AI Prompts

Latest AI Prompts For E-Commerce, Event Planning, Meetings, Career Paths, Books, Side Hustles, and Competitor analysis

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👀 AI Happenings...

  • 😎 Google DeepMind restructuring aims to deliver next-gen AI breakthroughs (link)

  • 😮 How scammers are using your Snapchat and TikTok posts in their AI schemes (link)

  • 😐 German magazine sacks editor over AI-generated interview with Michael Schumacher (link)

💡 Best New AI Tools

  • Height Copilot - An AI agent that helps your team build better products. (link)

  • Webflow AI - Use AI to ask questions and make changes in your web design inside WebFlow. (link)

  • AgentGPT: An AI-powered tool that lets you give your AI agent a goal to devise a plan and take action instantly. (link)

  • Doclime AI: An AI tool to import your PDF and get answers from it instantly. (link)

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🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: Improve Your Google Search With ChatGPT For Google And Monica

ChatGPT is still topping as the most popular AI language model that provides responses to users' questions, while Google remains the world's most popular search engine. With an extension called "ChatGPT for Google," users can connect the two platforms, allowing ChatGPT to provide responses directly within Google's search results. This integration enables users to ask follow-up questions as they would in ChatGPT, without the need to switch between different websites or applications.

In addition to ChatGPT for Google, another extension called "Monica" is available, which provides more advanced features. Monica can answer questions, suggest follow-up questions, and summarize selected text from any webpage. With these powerful tools, users can quickly and easily access reliable information and insights, without the need for extensive research or analysis.

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