💡 6 New AI Prompts

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👀 AI Happenings...

  • 😑 RNC’s AI-generated Biden attack ad puzzles pundits, Democrats (link)

  • 😮 Scientists use AI and underwater microphones to detect tsunamis and earthquakes (link)

  • 🧐 Inside Meta's scramble to catch up on AI (link)

🧠 Best New AI Tools

  • ChatJams: Make a Spotify playlist just for you. (link)

  • My Queue: Save articles you want to read and listen to them on the go. (link)

  • Learnlingo: Practice a new language with LearnLingo's AI-driven conversations. (link)

  • Alicent AI: A GPT-4 powered Chrome extension to create copy faster and assist content creators, marketers, bloggers, and businesses in streamlining their content creation process, increasing productivity. (link)

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🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: Now Summarise Your Articles With Artifact’s New AI-Powered Feature

Artifact, the news aggregator platform created by Instagram's founders, has launched a new AI-powered feature that summarizes news articles for readers. The tool generates article summaries with a single tap, allowing readers to grasp the high-level points of the article before reading it. Users can also enjoy various styles like "explain like I'm five" or use emojis to summarize the news.

Although the styles are not functional, they add a playful element to the feature and encourage users to try it out. The company uses OpenAI's API technologies to generate text summaries. However, Artifact has cautioned users not to rely solely on the AI summaries and read the full articles, as AI technology is not infallible. The AI summary feature can be accessed by tapping on the "Aa" button above an individual news article and selecting the "Summarize" option.

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