💡 6 New AI Prompts

Prompts for Email, Article-to-Twitter thread, Etsy, TikTok, and Excel Formula

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🤖 AI Happenings...

  • 😒 Twitter working on AI despite Musk's call for global pause (link)

  • 😁Meet the 'RuPublicans': GOP lawmakers are reimagined as AI-generated drag queens (link)

  • 😶The AI ‘Pause’ Proposal Is Deceptive And Alarmingly Hazardous (link)

⚡️ Best New AI Tools

  • Oasis - Speak naturally & AI writes for you in multiple formats. (link)

  • Hume - The empathic AI toolkit for researchers and developers. (link)

  • Havana - Help your sales teams to generate call summaries and post-call emails with AI. (link)

  • Kili - Empower your business to answer questions in seconds, not days. (link)

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✅ Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: Domain-Specific AI, BloombergGPT To Revolutionize Finance.

78% of institutional investors and CEOs rely on data and analytics to make investment decisions. With domain-specific training, BloombergGPT could outperform general-purpose language models on financial tasks, as it would have a deeper understanding of the language and concepts used in the financial world.

BloombergGPT could be trained to recognize the jargon and technical terms used in the financial world, allowing it to better understand and analyze complex financial data. This could provide more accurate and detailed insights into financial markets and trends, making it an indispensable tool for investors and business professionals.

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