💡 6 New AI Prompts

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👀 AI Happenings...

  • 📸 Michael Schumacher’s family planning legal action over fake AI interview (link)

  • 😱 Google’s big AI push will combine Brain and DeepMind into one team (link)

  • 😮 Snoop Dogg reacts to proposed 2Pac & Biggie AI album (link)

💡 Best New AI Tools

  • Cyte AI: An AI tool to search your entire digital history, from your desktop apps to your browser usage. (link)

  • Human or not? - Chat with someone for two minutes, and try to figure out if it is a fellow human or an AI bot. (link)

  • Collov GPT - Interior design AI generator. (link)

  • Ogimi AI: An AI-powered mindfulness coach that helps you meditate to reduce stress and anxiety while improving your concentration level and emotions. (link)

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🤖 Today’s Best New AI Prompts

🤯 Insight: The AI Hype Slowly Transitioning Into A Backlash

Interest in new AI companies and concepts has continued to grow, with recent developments including predictions of mapping and preserving human consciousness and virtual news anchors. However, there are growing concerns about AI technology's potential dangers and limitations, with some industry insiders calling for a pause on AI development and the Biden administration considering new regulations. This has led to a more balanced discussion of AI, with threads about its futuristic wonders now often accompanied by warnings about its potential consequences and acknowledgment of its current limitations.

The Biden administration's Commerce Department has requested comments on potential accountability measures for AI, including whether new models should require certification before release. Lawmakers will then debate specific policies based on the agency's advice. The Justice Department is also monitoring competition in the AI sector, while the Federal Trade Commission warns against false claims about AI products. China's regulators are also considering new rules around AI development, with President Xi Jinping using AI for surveillance and social control.

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